Monday, November 25, 2013

Connor 8 and 9 Month Update

Okay, so I am seriously behind. Life is cruising at warp speed, I tell ya'. So without further ado, I hereby provide an update about our little Connor. So at eight months, Connor perfected his army crawl. He is no longer super simple in that way. I need to watch him like a hawk because for some strange reason he is seriously attracted to electrical cords and wires. Many times I have had to move our floor lamp and hide other cords as much as I can. Sadly, my little guy also has an affinity for banging his head into things. The coffee table. A dining chair. The dining table. The wall. You name it. He's hit it. With his little head. But I am glad to report he is learning to be careful!

At 8 months, he finally could sit comfortably in a high chair at a restaurant or in the shopping cart at the front! Yay for the small milestones! Boyce and I aren't sure why, but he gripes the most when we're feeding him solid food. He eats it. He needs it. And it doesn't matter which kind. He just complains.

He still worships the ground little Gracie walks on. Now that he can move, he "plays" with her so much more, and she loves it. Yup, I'm pretty sure those two will be besties. :)

Okay, now for 9 months, which he is now. Finally, some consonants! We hear lots of "ba-ba-bas" throughout the day, and just today, I am pretty sure (after months of coaching him) I heard "ma-ma-ma."

Boyce has decided we need to figure out some lower core exercises for our little guy. He can sit up, but wow, he still loses his balance frequently. Although, he does know how to fall gracefully forward as to not hurt himself (that is, when he's conscientiously trying to get out of the sitting position, so that doesn't count all the times he loses his balance).

He is super "stranger-danger" these days. He is still such a content baby and all smiles. The best is when you go get him after he's just woken up, from the crib. He is SO happy to see you he can hardly stand it.

Ah, Connor Bear. You are loved!

This little dude LOVES going on walks now that he can sit up in the stroller.