Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Family Visit and Halloween

So last month, my dad and his wife Bridgette, and Bridgette's granddaughter Karmyn, came to visit us. My dad finally got to meet Connor for the first time and see how much little Grace has grown up. We had a good time catching up!

We had so much fun at Cornbelly's! Grace is STILL asking when we can go back. Sorry love, not 'till next year!

Check out Gracie's tongue. Now check out Grandpa's tongue. Yup. They're related.

I don't have a picture, but my dad took me out to a nice dinner for my birthday. I don't remember the last time I've done anything with my dad for my birthday (probably high school), so that was really special. Plus it was just me and dad time. So it was really, really special.

Our ward had a Halloween party the night before Halloween. Grace and Karmyn danced their hearts out!

The next day for Halloween we had Cami over for dinner and made lots of yummy Halloween-themed food, and then of course, we went trick or treating. Which again, Grace and Karmyn loved!

Mummy dogs and witch's fingers.
Cami's fabulous pumpkin cake!

All in all, we had a fun week!