Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013 (Belated)

Okay, yup, I am totally late to post this, I realize! But I need to do some catch up, and this is where I need to start. Thanksgiving. Super fun. At Megi's house in Burley. Here are the highlights:

  • Grace became OBSESSED with necklaces and bracelets that belonged to her cousins. She began asking if Santa could bring some to her.
  • We went to see "Frozen." It was Grace's movie theater debut, and she was riveted the entire time. Any time the movie became intense, you could hear Grace saying, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"
  • Thanksgiving was HUGE. We did it at the Jones' house, with lots of space for everyone and everyone's cooking. It was great!
  • We had a BLAST!
Kids table. Having a ball!

Oh yes, and how could I forget, we took the kids roller skating! Grace had a blast. They had these weird things called turtles and so I just pushed her all over that rink in one of those things!