Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Grace's Third Birthday

So I anticipate birthdays in our little family - especially my children's. I LOVE imagining what to do for their birthdays and how to make them fun and memorable. I LOVE making birthday cakes and probably spend way too much time on them. But man alive, kid birthdays are fun. So I was REALLY excited for Gracie's third birthday. This year, she was old enough to be excited about her own birthday, too. She told me for her birthday she wanted a "Clairabelle" cake (the cow from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). Well, that was totally intimidating, but we pulled it off.

That morning, I "interviewed" her to find out her favorite things. See below. :)

That "Clairabelle" cake topper was a bit of a fiasco to get. I had to order the figurine set online, and then received the wrong item the day before her birthday. Thankfully it all worked out (phew!).

(Yup, I forgot to start recording video at the beginning of the birthday song. I am lame.)

We did keep her birthday rather simple, though. I made pizza that night for dinner (one of her faves), then of course we did the cake and candles. And then unwrapped what seemed like billions of presents. She was a VERY happy little girl.

Connor was pretty excited about the new toys, too.
After presents, we Skyped with Grandpa Bonner ("Papa John"). The next morning, we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Grace loves that place and dear hubby got she and I an annual pass to Thanksgiving Point for Christmas. She, of course, had a great time.


Julie said...

Gracie is so cute! And you did an awesome job on her cake! I like making the cakes too, but they don't always turn out as I'd envisioned. ;)

doug campbell said...

My favorite was the blowing of the candles. She seemed mesmerized just watching that last one burn. And then I could see that she was prompted by her daddy to blow it out. So, so cute!

doug campbell said...

It says Doug Campbell, but it was really Rinez!