Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Some of you may not know, but I have the best husband ever. It's not opinion - it's just a fact. I remember the week before Boyce and I married, and being afraid of what I was jumping into. Maybe we had rushed things. Maybe I didn't know him well enough. Maybe we would marry and I would quickly realize we were better off friends. Fortunately for me, those were needless worries. Yes, it's a fact - ever since I married Boyce, my life has been better. I've learned how to be a better person. How, you ask? Here's how:

  1. Boyce knows how to calm me down. I, unfortunately, am a worrier by nature. I worry about everything. My sweetheart reminds me not to worry about things that are out of my control, and to only worry when necessary.
  2. My husband's personality is larger than life. His smile, his laugh, his happiness and contentment - it's contagious. I love being around him, because when I'm around him, I'm happy.
  3. He makes me laugh. I mean, he is ALWAYS making me laugh - and I love it!
  4. His love of others. Sometimes, it's easy for me to get caught up in my life and concerns. Thankfully, I have a husband who makes it a priority to love and serve others. Boyce has taught me how to look outside myself and reach out to others. I am still learning, but I am learning from the best.
  5. Boyce takes care of me. I never realized how much I needed someone else to take care of me, but now that I'm married I realize how much I need Boyce to lift me up when I'm down, to kill a spider, to fix a broken vacuum cleaner, to be a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. I love that he takes care of me. I need him, and I think Boyce needs to be needed. It's a win-win. :)
  6. My sweetheart is an AMAZING cook. Sometimes I tease him that he's a "cooking snob." Sometimes, I order him out of the kitchen when I'm trying to cook and I don't fix the meal according to "his standards." But I love cooking with him, and I love eating what he cooks!
  7. My husband is sensitive. I have learned that not all men are sensitive, but the best husbands are. They will cry with you when you're hurting and empathize with you when you're upset. They can be tender and sweet. That is my husband.
  8. He is humble. My husband isn't perfect, but he owns up to his mistakes, apologizes, rights his wrongs, and sincerely tries to learn from his misdoings. Not everyone makes the most of his mistakes, but I believe my husband does. It is one of the reasons I love him most.
  9. Boyce is friendly and outgoing. Oh, how I wish I was even a tenth as friendly and outgoing as my sweetheart! I am friendly and outgoing on my own terms, but my husband is friendly to all. He is the one looking for the newcomer to the ward, a new neighbor to welcome, someone who's in need of comfort, and he is there for all of them. It's not surprising my dear husband has 1,000+ friends on Facebook, and he really is friends with all of them! He would do anything for anyone. How many people can really say that?
  10. Last, but most certainly not least, my sweet Boyce loves the Lord, and loves to serve Him. He understands his relationship with Christ and strives to be like Him. He respects the Priesthood and uses it as an instrument to bless others. He encourages us to be better at FHE, morning and nightly prayers, regular temple attendance, daily scripture study, and other things that will bring our family closer to Christ.
I am so, so grateful for my darling husband. He makes me want to be a better person. He is my better half. He is my best friend and the love of my life. Happy Valentine's Day, my sweetheart!


Rinez said...

What a wonderful tribute to Boyce. As I read each item, I said "yes," that's my son. You listed all of good qualities that I have seen him develop over the years and I'm thankful he's ours! To add one more quality, he has amazingly good taste in women as shown in his choosing you to be his wife. We couldn't have chosen anyone as perfect as you are. Thank you for loving him. We're so glad you're in our family.

MegiJones said...

oh so guys deserve each other and we love you!

Janel said...

Mom~ I thought the same thing! I am just so happy that Boyce found the perfect girl and thats you far! He definitely saved the BEST for last! :) Love you guys!

Desiree said...

Suzanne, that was the sweetest post. I totally agree. Boyce is such a great person. Love him. I'm so glad you've found eachother and have made your relationship a win-win. I can tell you're both so happy! I love it!

Sara said...

What a sweet post! I am sad I don't know him. You deserve the best, sound like you got it :) I didn't know you had a blog! It'll be fun to stalk what you are up to now!

Kat said...

you guys are so awesome!

Jaime said...

That was so sweet. He is a super great guy, you are a lucky lady.