Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Arkansas here we come!

So today we got up and had originally planned to possibly see a morning show in Branson but decided we had seen enough and were happy to just relax. We hit the hotel gym and then went in search of a healthy breakfast which apparently doesn't exist in Branson. No juice bars or health food cafes in the south! The blank stares we got from people when we asked were hilarious.

We were sad to leave Branson but glad for the time we had there. Its a very family friendly place and also caters to the older demographic. Here's a few pics of interesting things we saw while there!

This was in the theater parking lot....priceless.

There is a Segway park in Branson....like a skate park only its a place where you rent segways and ride them on the paths provided....its like a skate park for the elderly....priceless!

Driving around Branson we came across this sign and I did a double take....19% grade???? And then we came over the hill and looked down....

It was like a roller coaster. We actually turned around at the bottom so we could take a pic of the sign....our little rental Hyundai barely made it back up the hill....crazy!

We left Branson and had a beautiful drive through the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas. We drove to Beaver Lake, Arkansas to visit Suzanne's Aunt Jerry and Uncle Gary. They live right on Beaver Lake and it was gorgeous.

We had a great visit with them. They took us out on the boat and we enjoyed being on the lake. Then we had bbq salmon out on their deck overlooking the lake and we both fell in love with the setting. It really was a beautiful place. We stayed the night there, had breakfast in the morning and then headed down to Bentonville. It was a great visit with family and fun to reminisce and get to know some of Suzanne's extended family. Her aunt shared memories of Suzanne's mom and it was great to be able to get to know more about the mother in law I never knew.

I was sad to leave such a beautiful and lush setting....but the vacation must go on!