Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bentonville and Fayetteville

We spent the next two nights with my friends Stacie and Matt. Stacie and I sang together at Ricks and then I met Matt at BYU when he got back from his mission. They were so kind to open their home to us. We had so much fun with them getting reacquainted and catching up. They love living in Bentonville and we could see why as we mingled with their friends and at church activities.

We spent a day in Fayetteville seeing the sites from Suzanne's childhood. We stopped by Suzanne's grandmother's house to see what it looks like now. The current owner was kind enough to show us the house and let Suz reminisce.
We also visited the University of Arkansas where Suzanne's Dad went to school. The campus was beautiful. We had lunch there and walked around the grounds.

We had fun driving around Fayetteville and the different neighborhoods. We ended the day by going out to dinner with one of Suzanne's childhood playmates from her summer's there. It was good to have them reconnect.
Suzanne and Gwyneth

No visit to Bentonville, AR would be complete without paying homage to the birthplace of Wal-Mart by visiting the site of the original Walton's 5 and 10 which is now a museum in Bentonville.
On top of seeing my friends Stacie and Matt Pabst, we also took a quick visit to see my friend Jadene Hughes (Snedaker) who also lives in the area. We went to high school together in Bakersfield and it was great to catch up a bit and see her home and her family there in Arkansas. What a small world. Friends everywhere!

We loved our stay in Bentonville and even survived an Arkansas thunderstorm that had the potential to develop some tornadoes. We were spared but it was a GREAT storm just the same.
Many thanks to the Pabsts for making our stay so comfy. Good friends are the best.

Here we are with two of the Pabst boys. There were two more but they were at school by the time we remembered photos! So much fun!