Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Some of you know that I can sometimes get my dander up and my temper can get the best of me. The other night it happened but it was actually kind of funny and the situation was so frustrating so I just have to share and get it out!

I was with Suzanne on a shopping trip and she was waiting for a fitting room. While waiting for the fitting room a young woman came and started chatting with friends by the fitting room. The friend knew people inside one of the fitting rooms so as soon as that friend was done, the young woman instantly flew into the fitting room. Suz and I were not happy but hey some customers are just rude and maybe she didn't know. No problem. Suz got a room soon after and I waited outside. Pretty soon the young woman came out of her fitting room and I thought about saying something to her but decided to leave well enough alone. Suz had her room and we would be going home soon UNTIL SHE WALKED INTO THE EMPLOYEE LOUNGE!!!

As she walked into the employee area this is what happened:

Me: "Excuse me, do you work here? (indignant)
Her: "Uh yeah" (trying to close the door of the lounge)
Me: "And YOU an employee just cut in front of my wife for a dressing room?"
Her: "Oh I was waiting for the room, I was just looking at other things....I'm on my break" (closing the door)
Me: (stopped talking as she closed the door and just got redder and decided she was NOT going to just close the door on to find the manager)

I told the manager what had happened and she was very nice. While I was telling her the girl came out to the counter to continue her shift. It made me so mad to see her again and the way she had treated a customer that this is what happened then:

Me: "HER....thats the one who did it. SHE should be FIRED"
Manager "Uh..."
Me: "Its one thing to have rude customers....that's out of your control but to have an employee cut in front of a customer and not even APOLOGIZE is just unforgiveable"
Manager (looking a little scared) "Sir I'm so sorry I will take care of it"
Me: "Thank you....I know its not your fault so I'm not upset with you...just please handle that situation"
Manager: "Ok sir I will"

(I think the employee was probably 18 or 19 and the manager didn't seem much older....I was probably some crazed customer to them)

The rest of our time at the store, the manager was very attentive and helped Suz with whatever she needed. The other girl stayed far away.

It was the end of the day and I was would have bothered me either way and luckily the manager was great or I really would've self-destructed. Moral of the story - you can mess with me but DON'T diss my wife.....I won't stand for it! :)


Janel said...

right!?? way to go Boyce! I get tired of all these snotty little girls...!

MegiJones said...

k this story is so funny...I am picturing the employee and the manager blogging this same story about a crazy guy at the!! So funny...

Cole said...

Nicely done Boyce. People get away with being SO rude these days. I'm glad you stood up for what's right!

Katy said...

I am proud of you for pointing it out in an good way. I mean seriously to cut in front of a customer. You two are adorable! I love it that you stand up for her!

Jaime said...

good for you Boyce! I give you 2 thumbs up!

Kat said...

This was a great story! I love that you shared it! Man, we miss you guys!