Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Week 37 - No Way!

Dear Baby,

HOW did this happen? WHERE has the time gone? Here I am, just 3 weeks away from the big day (possibly less than that), and I can't believe it! I will be honest, I am SO excited to meet you ... to see what you look like and your little personality. Do you have my nose or Boyce's? Will you continue to have the hiccups incessantly? Do you have as long of legs as I imagine? How big (or little) are you? I am so anxious to hold you in my arms and give you a lifetime of my love.

On the OTHER hand, I am a little terrified. First, I have to go through labor. And little darling, when you're all grown up and ready to have a child of your own, might I suggest you DON'T read up on all that labor entails? A few symptoms I have read include vomiting, wheezing, pooping (WHAT!), and ... well you get the idea. Of course, you are worth it! But mommy is a bit of a wuss, and the doc has told me because of the fun blood thinners I'm on, that I might not be able to get an epidural. I realize "epidural" is a big word but it just means less stress for your mom who is often a stress case anyway. But by the time you read this, we'll both be over that little milestone. :)

I'm sorry I haven't written for a long time. Life just kind of took over. I'm afraid that's how life will be when you arrive. I'll blink and before I know it you'll be past the baby phase, past the toddler phase, past the little girl phase, and all grown up before I know what to do. My goal for you, my little one, is to enjoy every tiny moment with you, knowing the time will pass too fast.

I have a feeling you're a little bit of a stinker (I say that with love!). After all, on my birthday you decided to give me diabetes. And I'm sure by then you KNEW how much your mommy loves her sweets. I will admit I shed tears for a few days, until I learned I could still eat sugar, just a little less, and spaced two hours apart. Small price to pay for you! :)

Your daddy and I are ready for you, sweet child! Your room is ready, your bassinet is set up in our bedroom, your outfit for the hospital is all picked out, and with the exception of that labor part (again, frightening paragraph described above), we are ready for you!

We love you SO much and cannot wait to see you!


Mommy and Daddy


Jaime said...

Suzanne....I could not be more excited for you!
and oh.my.goodness. about the no epidural thing. I wish you the best and hope it all goes FAST.

Julie said...

Suz, you look adorable- as always. And don't stress over the labor- it won't last forever, and you can do anything you put your mind to. (My recovery was WAY faster without an epidural too, so there is an upside.) LOVE YOU!

Rinez said...

All is going to be well!