Monday, May 23, 2011

Four Months!

Where oh where is the time going? I CANNOT believe my little "Missy Moo" (who knows where we came up with that nickname, but it stuck) is already 4 months old. She is looking more and more like a baby and less and less like a newborn.

This is actually a picture of her at 3 months, but I don't have any 4 month shots handy. We just had her well visit last week, and she is now 14 lbs. 11 oz. (54%) and 26" long (90%!!). My little lady is TALL. She is so long that she can easily play in her exersaucer, which is her new favorite toy. She can control her head now and truly enjoys chillin' in the Bumbo watching whatever her mama or daddy are up to.

I can also finally say we have turned a corner with daytime naps. She's learned how to self soothe by nuzzling up to the crib bumpers. Hey, whatever works. :) She smiles easily now and even giggles, which is my very favorite!

I love you little Gracie Lou!


Rinez said...

Grandma and Grandpa love you, too, little Gracie!