Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Connor - Six Months

Goodness I'd better get this post up! We are still regaining control of our lives after our move (especially because Boyce's school started the week after we moved in, so he's been super busy at work!). But the clock doesn't stop when it comes to babies. They grow and grow and grow. So is my Connor baby. He is so sweet and precious. He is just a really, really content, happy baby. We can already tell he's a sensitive spirit. If Boyce comes home from work and doesn't greet him quickly enough, his little feelings get hurt and he starts to cry. And speaking of Boyce, right now Connor is all daddy's boy! He CANNOT get enough of his daddy right now. It is so cute!

Pretty much right on his 6-month mark, little Connor started to really roll. He rolls and rolls some more. In fact, I cannot get him to stop rolling sometimes, like when I try to change his diaper or change his clothes and he gets mad at me because he doesn't want to sit still on his back while I do so. Talk about complicated trying to change a diaper with your baby on his tummy!

Speaking of rolling...this was happening during the photo shoot. :)
He worships his older sister. She can do anything to him and he will grin, ear to ear. Unfortunately, she has been testing her limits with him, so I have caught her sitting on him, pulling him, rolling him over on her own, etc. (not with my permission, obviously!). I have been having to keep a closer eye on her with him lately.

The other update is teeth. The little guy broke his first tooth (bottom front) pretty much right at the 6-month milestone, about a week later the other bottom front tooth came through, and now the poor little man is getting his upper two. Ouch! That's how our Campbell babies roll. They get their teeth early and all at once. Grace had loads of teeth by 6 months.

Can you tell he's getting some chubba-wubba?! Love my rolly-polly babies!
Other little personality traits that are already shining through...Connor is observant. He wants to know what a noise is or what is going on around him all the time. Sometimes it makes it hard to feed him if we're in any kind of exciting venue, because it's too distracting for him!

I truly love watching my sweet little boy grow and learn. I feel so blessed to have two beautiful children. It is my prayer, every day, that Boyce and I raise these children in a home full of love and with their own hearts pointed toward God and everything that is good and right.

Happy 6 months my darling baby boy!


Janel said...

I just LOVE that Boyce has a lil' Daddy's boy!! Thanks so much for the update. I just miss you guys so much! sending love and hugs!

Julie said...

Sooo cute! Love your little family Suz! Thanks for sharing the pictures and updates. :)